I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy.

by - agosto 25, 2022


Check out the trigger warnings before read this memoir.

TW: Anorexia, abuse (emotional, child), bulimia, cancer, eating disorders, drugs and alcohol abuse, death, grief, mental illness, manipulation, grooming.

To me, reading and rating a memoir is something delicate, because that person is opening up about their experiences, their traumas, thoughts and emotions that are very private or painful sometimes.

This memoir is so raw, powerful, heartbreaking and eye-opening that I've ever read. I honestly don't know how to express my feelings towards this book, but I'll try.

I grew up watching iCarly and laughing whenever Sam and her buttersock appeared, not knowing she was having a really bad time, not knowing that she hated the role she was playing and that her mother was being abusive with her. I grew up thinking that these kids were having good lives and gods, I truly regret about that. Many of them didn't have great lives, were having problems and were struggling so bad.

I'm Glad My Mom Died follows Jennette's childhood, teens years and young adult life. She speaks about her early years, before starting in the entertainment industry, when she started to act and more things. She speaks about her family and how they were struggling with money to pay the bills and how her mom's frustrated dream was to act, so she made her daughter star to act.

Jennette tried to please her mother since she was very young, just like most kids because we don't like to see our mothers being unhappy and disappointed, and she worked really hard to make her mom happy.

It's heartbreaking to see (read) how her mother abused of her, manipulated her and suffocated her to the point where Jennette was not aware/well informed of some things about her own body, about life and many other things. Jennette grew up with a toxic mother who projected her own dreams onto her daughter and tried to live a second chance through her.

For me it was hard to read how Jennette was struggling with food while on iCarly she was really obsessed with food. She was just a little girl when her mother forced this unhealthy routine with food on Jennette, developing in anorexia and years later, on bulimia.

I loved how Miranda was always there for Jennette, that despite of not talking every day, they have a good friendship and Miranda's been always so supportive for Jennette and helped her out.

I honestly liked the title of the book because it is a reminder that not all parents are good parents and many things are not what the look like.

I'm so proud of Jennette. I admit that I cried when I read many things in this memoir. She didn't deserve all the pain she's been through since a very young age. I really hope she's in a better place right now (in her recovery journey, because it can be hard and painful), that she's doing what she loves and is finally free to live her life without her narcissistic mother telling her what to do, what to think and what to eat.

This book is totally worth to read. And I totally loved it. Jennette is a wonderful story-teller, I liked the writing, that is so captivating and beautiful. 

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