The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson.

by - febrero 12, 2023

“Life before Death.
Strength before Weakness.
Journey before Destination.

I wanna tattoo that!

Hey, Brandy Sandy, I hope you're ready to pay the bill for my therapist because she will hear about you and what you've done to Kaladin!

Here's my Spotify playlist!

This book took me more than a year to finish it. And it's not because it's boring, it's everything but boring! It was because of me. I was really stressed out and having several mental breakdowns. It had nothing to do with this book.

My first book by Sanderson was Skyward because I felt that it wasn't that heavy as TWoK is. And I totally loved Skyward, so I said: "Why not giving TWoK a chance?"

The best decision I've ever made. This is, hands down, one of the best books I've ever read in my entire and miserable life.

I loved everything about this book. Yeah, it's heavy and really long, but amazing. The worldbuilding, the magic system, the characters, the development, everything.

At first, I was intimidated by this book's lenght. And, putting aside the fact that it took me one year and one month (exactly) to finish this book, I can pretty much say that I devoured it. After a while, the lenght of TWoK stopped being a fuss and I completely forgot how big is this book after page 300.

The way Sanderson had me gripping my chair, feeling like I was gonna have multiple heart attacks and about to throw up throughout the book shows how much I loved it. I was constantly on the verge of tears and tearing this world apart or setting it on fire.

The first 900 pages were calmed and amazing. My imagination was flying around all Roshar, feeling like I was in Alezkar, Kharbranth and with all of the characters. Holy hell, that was wild. The thing comes at the last 100 pages.

I was honestly not prepared for anything that happened in those last 100 pages. It was like going in a rollercoaster. Sanderson said "I'll give y'all 900 pages of calmness and preparation, and then 100 pages of madness. Happy heart attacks!". I cannot put into words how much I was suffering and feeling like I was gonna crumble down in any moment. My soul was literally dying.

How could you do that to me, Brandon?

Kaladin needs to catch a break, do you hear me, Sanderson?

Kaladin, Dalinar, Jasnah, Adolin, Renarin, Navani, even Sezth. The Bridge Four is definitely my favorite, and Syl too!

Everything was amazing. I'm still in shock and trying to process what the hell was that ending. I will read anything by Sanderson tbh.

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