Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto.

by - marzo 29, 2022

4.5 stars.

As you might now by now, my reviews has spoilers (major or minors) because I can't help myself, lol.

I was hesitant about reading this book because I've read mixed reviews about it, but I said, "fuck it, why not?" and I gotta admit that I did, in fact, enjoy this book in a 80%, which is way more than I expected.

My issues were these: we have like 35 chapters and everything solves in the last 3 chapters, which is cool, but I feel like some things were kinda off. We don't quite know how Meddy and Nathan meet each other as well.

The repetitive thing of "the curse"... which it practically is all men leave women at some point. Meddy's uncles, cousins and even her own father, so she didn't that that happen to her and Nathan. Like, hun, I know of it because all men in my family had abandoned us too. My grandfather, my ex brother-in-law, my own father (but my mom is happily married to my stepdad, so it's ok now). And the fact that Meddy basically made the decision of breaking up with Nathan (there are more reasons, I know) for it left me... ?!?!?!?!


This book was funny from top to toe. Meddy's mom pretending to be her in a date-app and matching with a random dude and then Meddy "killing" him accidentally... But turned out he didn't die due to the accident but of suffocation.

Meddy's aunts were funny too. Discussing in Indonesian, Chinese and English, having moments of calm when it comes to hide a dead guy's body in a cooler and moving him around like a purse. Tho I don't jugde them: I've seen plenty of traumatizing shit to act cool when tragedies happen around me, lol.

The romance was kind of ok. It was more friends to lovers and it's pretty good, but I wanted more tension and pining, idk. oH, PLUS, I IMAGINED NATHAN AS SIMU LIU AND >>>>>> the world. Boi, Simu Liu is the sweetest, dork and adorable man ever. I am deeply in love with him, yes.

I also have to make some research on Chinese food and Chinese and Indonesian traditions as well.

I really liked the way family is portrayed here. How, despise of being a pain in the ass sometimes, they're for you in your hardest moments. I know not all families are like this, and I also wish mine would, but we can not have it all, right?

The cherry on top for me was this, fellow swifties, if you're reading this, you know:

"... so it's not a loss in translation."

"... sweet disposition."

"... all too well."

I was crying and screaming when I read those lines, lmao.

Also, Tom Cruise Sutopo is a fucking dick and Jackie is better with Maureen.

One of the groomsmen saying "lol" as if it's an actual word made me lose my shit.

In overall, this book made me laugh so hard in some moments. I don't know if my humor is broken or if this was really funny, but yeah, you had me cackling at 2 a.m. for a bunch of middle-aged Chinese women moving a cooler with a dead body on it, lmao.

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