ARC: The Rebound by Catherine Walsh.
4 stars.
"Everyone worth anything thinks they're too old or too young or too whatever at some point, but they're not. You're not. You shouldn't doubt yourself like that."
There are some spoilers, watch out!
This is my second book by Catherine Walsh (also an ARC) an by now I gotta admit that I'll read anything by Catherine. Her writing style is pretty and her female mc's are hard working women who are funny and have good feelings.
Abby is coming out of an engagement and she's returning to her hometown, Clonard, in Ireland. A few weeks ago, she had a fiancé, a job and her agenda full with things to do. Now, she has nothing. No fiancé, no job and her agenda is empty. So, Abby goes back to Ireland trying to scape from everything and everyone, even if Clonard is the place she was scaping of, in first place.
I can really relate with Abby about the desire of running away from her hometown and don't look back, to explore the world and have something better. I've been dreaming with the same thing for several years and I hope one fucking day I can leave this shithole for good, lmao. Anyways, moving on.
I liked the pacing of this book: I basically devoured it and I really missed this feeling of excitement whenever I finish a book in less than 3 days. And that also happened with One Night Only, so, you can say I really like her books.
If there's something I really like of Walsh is the way she describes Ireland and its cozy little towns. Catherine has this way of making you fall in love with the book's places and characters. I really felt like I was in Clonard, which was funny tbh.
Also, the "The Gilmore Girls" vibes were strong. Luke reminded me of... well, Luke. The fucking vibes are there.
To me, the cherry on top was Louise and Abby's relationship. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the romance between Abby and Luke, okay, bUT THE FUCKING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SISTERS. Walsh said that in her first draft, she hadn't thought of Louise, but now that she is in the final results, I can say how perfect it is. Their relationship is complicated, funny and a bit emotional, which is cool and adds a lot to the story.
Tyler was okay. He was the definition of mansplaining, but at least, he wasn't the resented ex at the end of the book and didn't say anything to Abby like "you'll get back to me" or so.
I liked Beth and Jess, they were cool and also funny.
The only thing that didn't make me rate this book with 5 stars was the fact that we had a fade-to-black anD HELL NO, I WANTED MY SMUTTTTT.
Overall, this book was good, okay, cozy and warm, once again. I really liked it.